If you need immediate emergency care, first call 911 and the Campus 警察 to get help from an ambulance, fire department, or police department.

Report all work-related injuries to your supervisor and 公司的护士, a medical triage service provided by PCC to assist injured workers 24 hours a day, 一周7天.

  1. You or your supervisor must call 公司的护士 at 1 (855) 339-1897 before seeking treatment (unless the injury is life or limb-threatening).
  2. 公司的护士 will ask for the employer’s name - Pasadena Area 社区 College District
  3. 公司的护士 will ask for PCC’s 搜索 Code – PACCD
  4. 公司的护士 will gather information about you, your injury, and how it occurred.
  5. 公司的护士 will access the appropriate medical treatment needed.
  6. 公司的护士 will inform Risk Management 服务 of the incident.
  7. Risk Management 服务 will follow up with you to complete your worker's compensation claim and address your leave needs.

An industrial injury is any work-related injury, illness, or disease resulting arising out of employment and occurring during the course of employment for the District.

Types of Injuries and Illnesses

特定的事件. A single injury to one or more body parts results from a specific incident. 例子 are injuries resulting from a slip and fall, a broken glass beaker, or lifting a heavy object.

累积损伤. An injury resulting from repetitive traumatic activities over a period of time. 例子 are loss of hearing from loud work-related noises or overuse syndrome from repetitive 键盘的使用.

职业病. Diseases that result over time are directly related to a person’s work environment, such as conditions resulting from an employee’s long-term exposure to asbestos.

Aggravation of a Pre-Existing Condition. If employment aggravates a pre-existing condition, the employer could be liable for proportion due to the aggravation.

PCC’s preferred 医疗服务提供者 are:

3160 E Del Mar Blvd #110

St. 乔治医疗诊所

Congress Medial Association

A company nurse will direct the injured worker to the appropriate treatment facility.

If you have a Pre-designated Physician Form on file with PCC Risk Management 服务, you may go to your doctor. If not, 公司的护士 will refer you to one of PCC’s preferred 医疗服务提供者.

No. PCC will be billed directly for the treatment and medication prescribed resulting from a work-related injury.

If you receive a billing statement, mail it to:

Risk Management 服务
1570 E 科罗拉多大街, C221A

Worker’s compensation is a benefit designed to provide workers with medical treatment needed to recover from work-related injury or illness, partially replace wages lost while the worker recovers, and help to return to work. Worker’s compensation benefits do not include damages for pain and suffering or punitive damages.

All California employers, public or private, are required by law to secure worker’s 补偿保险. Worker's compensation is the exclusive remedy in California.

PCC employees, including full-time, part-time, hourly, and student workers, are covered by its worker’s compensation program.

Workplace injuries and claims are to be reported to Risk Management 服务 by the injured employee or 公司的护士. Risk Management will then prepare a Workers’ Compensation Claim Form (DWC1) for the employee to review and sign. The claim will be sent to Keenan & Associates and claims adjuster will contact the employee with further information 和指令.